Sunday, 1 December 2019


He is a veteran of 36 years in the Soviet, and then Russian special forces. We wish you good health and strong will! The purpose of it was to be the same as any other system — to give men who learned it the confidence to enter combat. Why do I present you so many valuable materials? He retired with the rank of Major. This naturally leads to a question — which Systema is the real Systema? On our website you can find really useful, applicable and valuable information in the form of articles, video lessons, books reviews and interviews on the real aspects of Russian Martial Art hand-to-hand fighting and private safeguarding technique.

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This is the only way to get a video course and my special report. Home Blog About Contacts.

There are many arts from Russia that contain the word Systema, at Club Nagaika, we teach Ryabko style, named after the founder, Mikail Ryabko.

Do not rush only after the secrets of martial art. The history of Systema is poorly documented and the subject of some controversy. You can order my video training courses and books, take part in our seminars and special educational training activities, do an individual training course and etc. This is a reminder for you that you can get more valuable and sysgema educational materials.

By means of these unique materials my trainees, followers and I uncover the most important, tested through practice and life knowledge about private safeguarding technique of a person in extreme situations as well as application aspects of hand-to-hand fighting for civilians and special units of security agencies.

Systema - Wikipedia

Second, I kadochnijova only the material that I know myself. Why do I do it? On the origins of Systema Systema is a martial art native of Russia. They follow the same basic principles and change and grow with the world around them. You will notice that on the right side there is a special form that requires name and e-mail.

Probably, you have also tried to learn army hand-to-hand fight and other types of Russian martial arts.

Systema - Black Belt Wiki

You will get this knowledge regularly, month after month. Before training in Systema, you must realize that it is a combat and survival system based on the properties of the human body, mind, and spirit. He is a veteran of 36 years in the Soviet, and then Russian special forces.

Ryabko style is distinctive, based on a high degree of emphasis on intuition, as well as on methodical self discovery. We wish you good health and strong will! These skill undoubtedly include Samoz, and may also include other influences. At the historical root of Systema, we have the traditional styles of the Cossack and Slavic peoples.

We're glad to see you on our Website, devoted to Kadochnikov System Russian martial art. On our website you can find really useful, applicable and valuable information in the form of articles, video lessons, books reviews and interviews on the real aspects of Russian Martial Art hand-to-hand fighting and private safeguarding technique. The purpose of it was kadochnikofa be the same as any other system ksdochnikova to give men who learned it the confidence to enter combat.

But everything has its beginning. During the same period, A. The answer is they all are; each and every one of them are based on Russian ideals of combat, state of mind, and morality.

On the origins of Systema

I have thousands of trainees in dozens of countries throughout the world. History of Systema Before training in Systema, you must realize that it is a combat and survival system based on the properties of the human body, mind, and spirit. This naturally leads to a question — which Systema is the real Systema? Mikail Ryabko himself, as founder. There are three reasons.

He also teaches Systema in Moscow. When he was accepted to teach kwdochnikova at the Krasnodar Military Engineering School, he tested and refined his knowledge on commission from the KGB.

He retired with the rank of Major. He took concepts from traditional Russian martial arts such as Skobar and Hopak fighting and worked with his scientists until he created something deadly, effortless, and unrecognizable.

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