Thursday, 21 November 2019


This could include sample testing or physical measurements or another equivalent means. Insulation coordination also requires the awareness of the insulating material properties so that design of the product can utilize the reduced spacing concept. A direct-current source shall be used for a direct-current circuit. However, this support service is offered on a reasonable efforts basis only, and UL may not be able to resolve every support request. The pollution has no in? Path under consideration includes a cemented joint with grooves less than X mm wide on each side. However, the possibility of electrolytic corrosion has to be considered, and for this reason, minimum creepages have been speci? ul840

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UL 电气产品安全距离的要求_百度文库

Path under consideration includes an isolated part of conductive material. The tests are to be conducted at these conditions. Using this data it is possible to evaluate clearances by their ability to withstand overvoltages. Sign up or log in Sign up yl840 Google.

These revisions may also include other miscellaneous editorial corrections. And when they say "insulation", they mean the protection required to protect the user from shock, not how far one ought to space a 5V trace from its own ground. Category II — Load Level. Path under consideration includes a parallel or diverging-sided groove of any depth with a width equal to or more than X mm. Creepage path follows the contour of the groove. The limit for this lu840 in clearance is that of the homogenous?

A product whose features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems con? If a stable reading is obtained earlier, the measurement may be made earlier. A direct-current source shall be used for a direct-current circuit.

The revisions dated October 6, were issued for editorial corrections. The test voltage is to be applied between conductors for 1 minute before measurement. Controls and adjustments are to be manipulated for cycles.


The database may also be used to specify, for a given overvoltage, the inhomogeneous? Creepage distance is measured directly across the grooves and follows the contour of the joint. Neither a printed copy of a Standard, nor the distribution yl840 for a Standard-on-Diskette and the? If a multiple-user version electronic Standard was purchased, one copy of the Standard may be stored on a single LAN? The data needed to develop the evaluation procedure for solid insulation is still being gathered.

Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for electronics and electrical engineering professionals, students, and enthusiasts. The requirements in this Standard are now in effect, except for those paragraphs, sections, tables,?


The standard doesn't say I am allowed to extrapolate. Lead wires that are considered acceptable for the voltage stress and temperatures involved are to be attached.

But in jl840 6. Measurement in accordance with Section 9 need not be done ul80 circuit analysis can be employed to determine the maximum recurring peak voltage due to regular operating characteristics, and due to adjustment of device controls. Path under consideration includes a V-shaped groove with a width greater than X mm. You may not need to include spacing for level 2 if you don't expect level 2. Upon completion of the cooling, each sample shall comply with the dielectric u8l40 test requirements in Tables like you're dealing with are commonly but not exclusively applied to instances where you're dealing with mains voltage, where some insulation is required to protect the user from transients and the resulting stress on insulation.

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The micro-environment might be less severe or more severe than the general environment that the equipment is in. This Standard contains revisions through and including September 7, I design 27V circuit and creepage valu for this voltge from 6.


Creepage path follows the contour of the grooves.

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